Public Art

For a full list please go to
Victoria Rance public art

Warneford Hospital Oxford
Bridge 2008
powder coated steel
300 x 100 x 80 cm
Made after workshops with focus group of users and staff.

St Laurence Catford 
Comforter 2008
polished mild steel, back LED lighting
450 x 450 x 12 cm
Commision for organ screen over existing glass cross in this church built in 1968.

Comforter 2008
polished mild steel
450 x 450 x 12 cm

St Andrew's Waterloo 
New church with architects Squire and Partners
Commissions for 2 sculptures and 5 stained glass windows 2005-6

Lower Hall

St Andrew's Waterloo
Boat 2005
copper steel and glass
225 x 100 x 88 cm

St Andrew's Waterloo
Font 2006 
powder coated steel
120 x 80 x 80 cm

St Andrew's Waterloo
Five stained glass windows 2005-6
acid etched glass
450 x 20 cm (detail below)

St Andrew's Waterloo
Upper Hall 
stained glass window 2005-6
acid etched glass 450 x 20cm
(photograph Will Pryce)

Mumford Mill Deptford
Wheat Spire 2004
305 x 150 x 150 cm
Commission for this listed flour mill built in 1897

Spire 2000
galvanised and stainless steel
620  x 300 x 300 cm
enabled by The Economist for The Economist Plaza,
now at St George's Hospital Tooting


Other commissions include:

Seed 2003
Stainless steel and aluminium
for Anderssonhall 
Deptford Star 2002 for Housing 21, 
sheltered housing in Edward Street, London SE8

Faircross Arches 1998 for 
Faircross Community Centre, Near Dagenham
Made from recycled Ford car parts after workshops with users

and various private commissions.

All images copyright Victoria Rance unless otherwise stated